
its all about me, myself & i..thanks for those who are willing to read the post..daaa...

My Wishlist

Hai....setiap org ade wishlist masing2..mcmtu la jugak dgn aku..suke berangan ala2 mat jenin..kalau korg tgk aku menung2 tu tandanya aku berkira2 dlm otak la...ttg ape yg aku idamkan..huhuhuhu..slalunya aku akan berangan time nak tdo atau bila tgk sungai, laut, hutan atau matahari..like a princess, i mmg dream mcm2..xtau la leh dpt atau x..melainkan usaha dan diiringi doa..semua ni xkan dtg bergolek..kan..kan..kan...well, jom berangan dgn aku~~~

1) I dream this:

-Caldina / Honda City
-R1/ Kawasaki..sgt2 suke dgn superbike....
-Travel to Korea/ Krabi Island Thailand..
-Fly with Malaysia Airline/Air Asia pon kire ok daaa....(cian sbb saat ini, aku belom pnh merasa..trgn sgt nk naik dgn Mr Hubby nnt..sape la yg sudi jd Mr Hubby ni..) ehemmm..saya telah berkahwin..entri ini ditype beberapa tahun lalu..skrg my hubby dh bw i terbang Sarawak...hehe..syukur..
-Own business (Bridal House/Photography Studio/Kedai Makan)

2) 'My Future Hubby' qualification requirements:

Yang Utama.

-Beragama ISLAM dan tidak tinggal SOLAT 5 waktu.. 

-Tidak minum arak..xmau zuriat yg xelok..

-He has to have a job..sbb nak tanggung aku...(we can share anyway)
-He has to own a house even a simple one..just nice one.......xmau banglo sbb aku xlarat nak sapu..(suke rumah teres 1 tingkat jer....)

-He has to have a car and motorcycle 
 (senang nak p kedai runcit nek motor & bw aku p hospital time aku nk deliver baby..hohohoh)

Yang X berapa nak utama tp agak penting..

He has to look good in kemeja or white T-shirt..smart walaupun berkolar bulat & encem dlm pakaian kerja... :P

He has to have cooking/repairing skills..baru gentle, kan....even aku sendiri pandai repaire brg rumah...

He has to be at least above 160cm..sbb 160cm tu ketinggian aku....then, mmg taste la kalau org tggi2 ni...

He should have black colored hair (mean that Malay & muda la...)

He has to be healthy..sihat utk menjaga aku...(i ll do the same too.....aku pakar dlm ilmu tradisional..)

He has to fulfill my fantasies...hmmm...

He can't get mad over stupid things coz aku sgt2 suke mengusik & buat lawak bodo....

He can't yell at me...

He has to do all the outside housework..(buang sampah+basuh kereta.......hmmm, OKlah, we all tanam sayur same2 yer..berkebun..)

He has to be a good cook at least masak nasi+goreng telur..kdg2 nk jugak merase air tgn hubby..

He has to like my family..terima baik buruk my family..& i ll do the same too...

He can't constantly point out my flaws..xmo ego2..kalau salah..please mengaku jer..aku boleh jer telan sume..asalkan jujur..

He has to tell me if I'm wrong..please correct me..

He has to help me with household...indahnya..ngeee~~~ (dok berangan masak same2...lalalalala~~~)

He has to think about me at least twice a day..(sampai akhir hayat dia..at least text me twice a day..tnye hai...thats more than enough)

He has to appreciate me..sbb....aku tau la aku ni baik * believe me...aku akan slalu
beri yg terbaik...hoho..

He has to like cats/hamster/iguana because i expect to have one in our future home

He has to be positive

He has to like music..sbb dia akan dengar suara aku seharian time masak+mandi+mengemas..even karaoke with friends..

He has to like movies..sbb aku sgt2 addicted dgn cite2 baru kat panggung..

He has to help me make a huge DVD collection..dia beli..aku tompang tgk..hehe..bestnye if dpt tgk same2 with popcorn..or cekodok pisang..hehe

He has to like to read....at least surat khabar..kasi update skit current issues...

He has to like to touch me...wow..

He has to be weird...buat aku terfikir2...dan agak comel bila difikir..hehe

He has to like that I'm weird (mmg aku pelik...kuasa pelik aku sgt2 sukar diramal...)

He has to know my flaws and love me anyway

He should never try to embarrass me

He should tell me he loves me often

He has to take me on dates even after we're married

He can't be controlling

He has to have friends..sbb kwn2 akan membantu jugak kdg2...xsuke la kalau hubby memerap je kat umh..mcm xberdunia jer...

He has to be honest and never lie to me..tp kdg2 lie pn ok jugak..bru ade cabaran dlm idup..hehehe..nak jugak merasa gaduh2..ala2 mesra..

He can't smoke in front of me..sbb aku ade asthma..xmerokok, lagi BAGUS....

He has to have my best interest at heart

He has to smell good..pakai perfume+deodorant..xmo busuk2..

He has to hug me anytime..lots of love.....

He has to listen when I talk..

He has to be a good conversationalist

He has to touch my face gently....

He has to love me when I'm old...owh teramat indah bila berdua berjalan berpegangan tgn di usia tua....

He has to think I'm cute even when I'm pregnant....sexy kan.....lalalalala~~~

He has to like swimming...kalau aku lemas, leh tlg jd HERO...

He can't waste his money...its mine too....

He has to look at me with love in his eyes (like a sparkle)

He has to remember things about me

He has to have a good sense of humor

He has to be proud to be seen with me in public

He has to be good with kids

I should be the closest girl to him other than his mother..love his family..

He should strive to make me happy...coz im happy go lucky in person..

He should tell me what would make him happy..

He should appreciate the simple beautiful things in life (like a sunset)

He should be trustworthy and trust me

He has to have goals and dreams

He has to be able to carry me

He should remember my birthday and our anniversary

He has to think I'm beautiful without makeup

He has to like my body

He has to give me space and alone time

He has to miss me if he's not with me

He has to have style.....style kampung pn xper..asalkan identiti diri sndri...

He has to be playful and have a childish side
He has to smile and laugh often...aku suke pd lelaki yg suke buat lawak...sometimes, aku serious orgnyer, aku perlukan pasangan yg suke buat lawak....paling suke kalau die menyakat aku...

He has to kiss me goodbye always....(bila sah akad ok!!!......mesti kiss me...everynite..)

He has to put up with my friends and BE NICE..mcmne die layan kwn aku, mcmtu jugak la aku akan layan kwn2 die....aku sporting tauuuuuu...

He has to like fast food..sbb kdg2 aku suke mkn kt luar...dating la katekan...

& byk lg la...............akan diupdate kemudian hari.....

P/S:.......so, ade sesape yg sudi jd calon ke??? ade tempat kosong lg ni..sampai bila??? aku pn xtau....hahahaha...just joke...tp rasenye sume ni hanya angan2 kosong...ade ke MR PERFECT yg ade sume ciri2 kat atas tu???...kalau ade..bertuah lah badan....so romantic kan...hello..im romantic too...jgn xtau!!!!

*Syukur Alhamdulillah saya telah berkahwin pada 1/12/12...syukur kerana saya telah bertemu MR PERFECT saya..yessss...dia sgt perfect!! anugerah terindah dr Allah SWT utk saya....thank you Allah SWT..

Cewah...berangan nak ikut cara Wardina didik anak...InsyaAllah..~~~

Note yang ditulis oleh Wardina :


Dear Mama, Ummi, Mum, Ibu, Bonda…

I have to share this with you… because i feel so happy and i feel that all my penat lelah paid off…I started to make my Amna to solat 5 times a day when she was 7, on her 7th birthday…we had a talk…(check note lama) tapi preparation since 6 la…

tapi dari kecik memang selalu ikut2 la kami solat….she hasnt missed her solat since. Walaupun lambat, tetap solat. I made sure of that – because the key is SOLAT ni kalau tak tanam dari kecik memang LIAT nanti….But it is very important to keep this in mind:-

1) kalau kita bagi dia tinggal WALAUPUN sekali nanti we are sending the wrong signal – kena make sure – every waktu without fail, walaupun penat, ataupun lambat

2) l Selalu kalau boleh solat together..mula2 memang kena solat together….kalau tak ada rumah make sure an adult in the house pastikan anak kita solat. (hari tu Amna pergi her reading class, i asked her teacher to take her to the surau) -lepas solat time tu lah peluk cium, senyum – i always kiss her at the head and say “Barakallahufiha” Ya Allah make my Amna a good Muslim Ya Allah….make her never miss her solat Ya Allah…..kuat2 bagi dia dengar….

ps:- kalau kena amik cuti ambillah – bukan waktu exam je amik cuti – buatlah STEP ini, yakni melangkah ke alam 7 thaun dan tidak meninggalkan solat A BIG Thing! “mama amik cuti hari ni sebab nak pastikan yang adik solat 5 waktu sehari!”

3) Selalu cerita how IMPORATANT it is to solat..how Allah is watching us… how we are good Muslims when we solat, how Allah loves us, Solat tu, untuk kita, bukan untuk Allah…..TAPI selalu jugak cerita yang akan ada orang TAK solat…acknowledge the fact that sometimes we feel lazy to solat….itu semua kerja SETAN! Fight them off….! I tell Amna that even some grown ups tak solat! I tell Amna that….we have to be strong.. we have to tell ourselves we will NEVER miss our solat…..

4) Awal2 subuh ni memang tak bangunkan, tapi as soon as dia bangun pagi, ill ask her to solat straight away.(yes memang leceh..but we have to, and we have to do it with LOVE diselang seli dgn strictness)

5) kalau dia tinggal – DENGAN sengaja, i take the rotan and hit her on her tapak tangan slowly, just as a reminder. After that i hug her and tell her i love her, and i just want her to remember – and guess what?? memang dia ingat!!! (3 kali baru, i think not bad, sampai satu hari dia terlambat solat, sebab keluar dan memang tak ingat, dia yang suruh rotan) But i tell her kalau TERLUPA atau TERTIDUR its ok…but kena solat terus bila bangun.

Macam ni ceritanya, i told Amna, kalau Ummi ambik Amna dari sekolah lambat, Amna solat dulu Asar kat sekolah….tadi memang datang lambat…i was loking for her..and guess what????
She was actually praying her Asar prayers…sorang je kat dalam surau tu….i wanted to pengsan and cry…she did all by herself…. i pun told her how happy and how proud i was of her…i tanya dia kenapa? dia kata “Amna ingat apa Ummi cakap”…..cair nya hatiku ini.

Apa lagi, Ummi ni peluk cium dia….and called nenek at Australia…now im sharing with all of you!!! Because i want us to raise generation of good Muslims that are disciplined, smart, intelligent -that remembers Allah because the world so BADLY needs good QUALITY Muslims like this!!!

And the foundation is – to start them off right – solat at SEVEN! Yes just as how Rasulullah asked us!I love you all!!! Good night….. But the key to all this IS Mak Ayah KENA dan WAJIB solat dulu…anak ketam tak boleh diajar berjalan terus…fahamkan?