
its all about me, myself & i..thanks for those who are willing to read the post..daaa...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

End Year...Good Bye 2010..

Bye Bye 2010......Bye Bye sweet 26........hmm, wat is my goals for this coming 2011??? huhu......kalau nk di ikutkan..mmg byk ler wishlist ttg azam thn bru 2011 aku ni. tp logik ke utk ditunaikan? sbb byk sgt.. lgpn nk kene cover blk azam 2010 yg xtertunai lg...tahun 2010, aku nak kejar 5C ( CAREER, CAR, CASH, CONDO, ? )....tp dpt 1 jer..Myvi kesayangan aku..yg lain hancussss.... thn ni nak kejar 5B plak ( BABY, ? , ? , ? , ? )....apepn, sblm dptkan yg B...aku kene kejar yg C dulu....CHAYOK...CHAYOK....

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Emotions (Sadness, Lonely & Tears)

16 Januari 2011.
Buat ntah keberapa kali...aku meng'emo'kan diriku lagi...mayb sbb boring yg teramat. xder sape nk teman aku......Masyitoh bz dgn persiapan perkahwinan. Td die text aku bgtau tgh bz cr bju pengantin. Sara plak bz sbb mak die sakit. So, aku join ym...jumpe sorg mamat ni...CORRECT_MAN..tp ckp aku sume die blame jer..agak gila2 jugak..hehe..apepn tq kat pakcik ni sbb sudi melayan aku..rse terhibur jugak la..dude, tq ya...

9 Januari 2011.
Hari ni emo sket..layan lagu2 jiwang....slow rock, lagu omputih...hmmm...rse sayu..sedih..sunyi...sepi...mcm hidup sorg2 kat malaysia ni..hmm, best jer layan lagu2 pujaan hatiku....careless whisper, everlasting love, betterman, stay the same, the reason, i knew i love u before i meet u, i cant help falling in love with u, killing me softly with his song, everything i do...i do it for u...heheheh....sungguh2 layan.....

1 Januari 2011. (1/1/11)
Hari ni my best fren engagement..sgt2 hepy dgn majlis beliau..alhamdulillah syukur segalanya telah berjalan dgn lncar..tp tbe2 sayu jer rase..kwn2 sume dh kawin..aku ni serba kekurangan..kerje xder..bf xder..betapa jelesnya aku pd mereka2 yg telah berkeluarga...hmm..bila ntah agaknya time aku yer...dulu kami berjanji tunang & kawin bersama..bulan yg sama..tp time my bff call mnta izin, aku kasi jer........lg terharu bile die sanggup cancel tunang sbb nk tggu aku...waa...bahagianya aku dpt bff mcmni...MASYITOH YUSOFF....I LOVE U...

27 Disember 2010.
Sedih sgt2..memikirkan nsb diri...bila nk kawin????bila nk keje???

23 Disember 2010.
Hari ini adalah hari aku membuat ONAR kt kilang tempat aku keje..aku xdtg kerja..aku berenti tanpa notis..huhu..mcm best jer..tp sedih sgt sbb memikirkan kerja akan dtg...aku nk keje ape yer???

18 November 2010.
Hari ini merupakan hari pertama aku bekerja sbgai OPERATOR PENGELUARAN WANITA di slh sebuah kilang di Bayan Lepas. Betapa seksanya aku bekerja...hanya Allah yg tahu..12jam berdiri..penat+letih sgt2..xpnh aku keje seteruk ini...bertahan...bertahan...bertahan....lina!!! chayok!!!!....

14 Oktober 2010.
Hari ini adalah hari terakhir aku berkhidmat sbgai GURU SANDARAN TIDAK TERLATIH (GSTT) di SMK St Michael. Betapa sebaknya aku rasa....nak tinggalkan sekolah yang sgt2 aku syg..tggalkan rakan sejawat yg sgt2 baik dgn aku..tggalkan pelajar2 kesygn aku (especially 2A)..hmm, apepn trma kasih untuk segala2nya.....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

People around me.

Today i'm just going to share a few recent pictures with you.

Mine NIKON D90. My only gun!!!

With my babe Amy Lambretta.

My lil cousin. Cucu cicit Tok Timah.

Help!! Sara gonna kill me.

I love him. I love beybear.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm a photoholic..

There i said it. It's time, i just can't get enough of pictures. I love to take them, edit them, look at them, share them and finally feel love with them. I ever may dream about them, but i can't say for certain. I've heard that the first step to recovery is admitting you have an addiction. I have a confession to make though. I am willing to proclaim my addiction but i have no intentions or desire to overcome it.

Hope you enjoyed my random pictures. Some of them was taken by me and friends who addicted with photography too. ( but i did the editting )..huhu..

Disember 2007, PICC - My big day.

Muhammad Danish Akashah with 'Aunty Linn' at MOFZAN STUDIO, taken by AbgFir Mofzan.

Paddy near my house, taken by Siti Sara.

Bubbles from ferry Pulau Mutiara, Penang.

A glass of coffee, Old Town Alor Star.

Feringghi Beach at noon. Nice sky.

This is latest one. I guess i liked this one because of the happiness that they showed. My beloved student. "Hafizy, bring your NIKON and be my partner-when SPM done!!!.."

I dreamed this before. I always saw it on my way back home.